Is Erin Brokovich Really A Terrorist?

In the wake of the train derailment outside of Palestine, OH that leaked toxic chemicals into the environment forcing thousands to relocate, local law enforcement is raising the alarm that Erin Brockovich could encourage terrorist activity in the area. This is obviously an attempt to poison the well against protest efforts being organized by and around Brockovich whose name recognition is bigger and better than most attorneys.
A report issued in February stated that protest efforts concerning the chemical spill and derailment could result in “interest groups rallying around the event” and a potential for terrorist activity. However, the report only states that the special interest groups will call for government policy changes to prevent another derailment requiring the exodus of the local population.
Brockovich did show up in East Palestine to explain to the residents their legal rights. Brockovich has placed the blame for the derailment squarely on the Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the train. This appears not to be an act of terrorism but the most likely outcome of the lawsuits. Obviously, while one or two people may get it into their heads to do something illegal (probably not an act of terrorism but vandalism or sabotage) the efforts centered around the lawsuit remain the most likely way that residents will be made whole.
Train derailment lawsuits
Train derailments almost always fall on the train company. In most cases, the matter can be traced to bad tracks, conductor error, or maintenance issues with the train itself. Since those are the three most likely scenarios, the chances of someone else being to blame are quite low. However, if someone parked a vehicle over a crossing, then the liability is less likely to fall on the train company. Sometimes people do this to end their lives. They also run the risk of ending several other lives in the process.
As a society, have we gone insane?
It’s easy to think so amid DHS reports that a protest against an active company that destroyed an environment badly enough to force the exodus of residents is also going to prompt terrorist concerns. In fact, there is no strong evidence that terrorism will be the likely outcome of these protests as this is not the first time an environmental disaster has occurred in the U.S. and terrorism has never been the product of it. While organizations like Earth Liberation Front (ELF) do exist, their conduct has been heavily limited to vandalism and property crimes which remains the preferred form of illegal conduct for environmental organizations.
So, yes. We are in a situation where the government is terrified of its people, the people are terrified of the government, and everyone thinks the world is going to end. We are not in a healthy place psychologically as a society. That much is clear.
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